Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Today I was at the gym working up a sweat on the Arc Trainer and letting my mind wander a little, as per usual.  I was thinking about the cover letter my mom had helped me with earlier in the afternoon.  She said I did a good job selling myself for this particular job.  In an attempt to set myself apart from the Orange County residents or those completing a bachelor's or master's degree, (those parties are given preference) I talked about my superior knowledge in the arena of corporate sales and sponsorships. 
I thought about some of the other jobs I've applied for recently.  Then I thought about myself and my qualifications.  I was thinking about it really rationally, then all of a sudden I had the overwhelming realization that I was LEGIT.  I am a legitimate candidate for a lot of the things I apply for. 
Here is one example to prove my legitimacy: I have a degree.  It was never a question that I would get one or not; it was just expected or assumed.  So I got one. Now, clearly my degree is not a free ticket for a job.  However, I probably shouldn't dismiss it so easily.  I mean, it is one qualification everyone requires for the jobs that I'm applying for.  And it's one that I fulfill 100% of the time.
I obviously go through phases of doubt and confidence, and yes they usually are that extreme.  But I am constantly working on staying more towards the confident end of things.  I'm doing a lot better.  And I'm actually believing the things I tell myself, i.e. I am legit.

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