Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I debated a lot about what I would write about this time.  I thought about writing about my views on professional vs. collegiate athletics or professionalism, but I decided it would be good for me to talk about support.  I know how very easily forget (if I even knew it in the first place at all) what a good position I am in.
I think I am getting all the right things I need right now to make this a successful job search.  Most obviously, I have my parents who are letting me invade their house once again while I send out my resumes everywhere.  I realize that this probably isn't the easiest adjustment because I take up a lot of space in an engergetic sense.  I'm a lot louder than my dog is used to, it's too easy to pick on my mom and her "wardrobe", and I don't think my dad is used to my overall harsh tone and wit.  But for me, it really is a good place for me to be.  I'm not fed any of the fearful messages about how bad the economy is, or how everyone is having a rough time finding a job right now.  It's irrelevant because of their unconditional faith in me and my talents.  My dog just wants me to get out so he can nap in peace.  And who wouldn't want to be around people like that while they are looking for a job?
My support also comes in less obvious ways.  I got an extra late graduation card from an aunt today that made me feel a little better.  My grandma (who I can't say I ever see eye to eye with) made me fried rice, threw a blanket over me when I was taking a nap, and was genuinely glad I got to stop by.  I have friends who call and text me who sincerely believe in my ambition.  (My only friends at home though are my parents...)  One of my professors will send me an occasional job posting specifically for me, which is really helpful and considerate.  I even had a recruiter tell me not to worry; I have a good resume and I should just be patient.
I think that I've been hearing what I need to hear, and talking to who I need to talk to.  It's important for me now to shower myself with positivity so that I don't get sucked into what fear and disappointment I may have.  I could have so easily been in an environment where I'm surrounded by toxic people.  It's really more the norm, so I consider myself lucky to be where I am now.  So I appreciate the support that I've gotten, and I just though that should be out in the blogosphere.

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