Monday, September 13, 2010

Cover Letters

So today was pretty slow on the job front.  The Slavic Receptionist (I'm paraphrasing) position at Stanford didn't sound too appealing.  I worked a little on my LinkedIn account, so that's really pretty much all the excitement one person can handle in a day.  What I would like to talk about today is cover letters.  I don't like them.
The cover letter seems to be another hoop to jump through on the path towards salvation (i.e. a job).  To me, if I were the person going through all the applicants, I wouldn't want to read your BS cover letter.  If I want to hear you sell yourself, I will call you for an interview.  If I want something extra, I would probably ask you what your hobbies/interests are or something.
So I've done about 84302 cover letters. (+/- 1 SD) It's the only thing about applications that slows me down.  I will just find myself staring off into space instead of making my cover letter relevant to the job I'm applying for.  Since it seems to be the social norm to do the cover letter in order to get the job, I will continue to do them.  But someone should really think about it and ask themselves: Do I really want this letter?  If it were me, I would say no.  But what do I know?  I'm unemployed... =)

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