Wednesday, September 1, 2010


My name is Caroline Acosta, a recent college graduate, and on the search for a career.  It's a pretty typical scenario.  However, I tend to balk at most things typical, average, or normal.  So I hope to make this job search interesting, but mostly quick.  You, the lucky reader, will be able to hear all about my journey.
Let me start by explaining my title.  300 is one of my favorite movies.  As my mother has so eloquently said about me: "She has a certain level of tolerance for brutality."  She's right. I admire, though could never engage in it myself, primitive aggression.  Anyway, we all remember the infamous line King Leonidas delivers to the Persian messenger; "This is Sparta!"  Immediately after, Leonidas kicks the messenger into what I like to believe are the depths of Hell.
So this is Sparta.  Welcome!

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