Thursday, September 2, 2010


So yeah, that last post was just my resume. I feel like it should be in the blogosphere for admiring eyes to see.  Anyway, here's what I did today:
-woke up
-checked e-mail/ate breakfast
-meandered about on
-got fired up because my e-mail or internet or something wasn't working right
-ran to the gym
-half hour on the bike, stretching/abs, half hour on the arc trainer
-ran home (notable because yesterday I walked, very much by myself, home and weighed the pros and cons of shooting myself in the face) *
-applied to 4 jobs
-went to the Stanford Women's Volleyball game (Go Card!)
And now here I am blogging.  Let's review the jobs I found today.
Job 1: Fan Relations Specialist with the San Jose Earthquakes (MLS)
Job 2: Manager of Advertising and Promotions with the Los Angeles Dodgers (MLB)
Job 3: Director, Brand Development with the San Diego Padres (MLB)
Job 4: Promotions Manager with the Modesto Nuts (who gives a shit)
Job 1 I actually really like and feel confident I could do. Jobs 2 and 3 are awesome, but I'm probably completely under qualified for them. (I'm so sorry that in order for me to have 7 years experience I would have had to start my professional career at 15!! You do the math.) Job 4 isn't the worst job I've applied for. I'm already a nut so I figure I'd fit right in. (hahahahahaha what a funny joke, Caroline! Please give us more!)
My mother discouraged me from applying to Job 4 due to the fact that it would be a waste of time.  She raises an interesting point.  In the attempt to find a career I love, why apply for a job that's just "not the worst job I've applied for"?  So in a sense, it is a waste.  I think I'm still taking a too desperate approach to my job hunt.  If I'm being really diligent with my thoughts, I shouldn't even call it a hunt.  I need to relax myself around the idea of finding a job. I will find one, and will be a great one.  It's funny how it is a struggle to constantly remind myself of this, and feel it to be true.  I can picture what the perfect job is, but for whatever reason, I'm finding it hard to picture myself in it.  i.e. I can envision being in the Staples Center doing marketing for the Lakers, but I can't see myself in the conference room pitching my "What does Jack Nicholson Think?" video series online. (DO NOT steal my stuff!)
I'll work on this vision tonight....

*Please note I have no real suicidal thoughts or tendencies. This is not meant to be a cry for help (unless you have my dream job) So please don't worry; I'm just trying to bring some drama to the blog

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